[Student Profile]
[Prompt & Essay]
Tell us about something that is meaningful to you, and why? (250 words)
I lean back, gazing at an endless night sky from my grandmother’s terrace, remembering the people whose lives have shaped mine.
I’m transported to a small impoverished village in Rwanda. Smiling faces light up the shop, built from microloans we provided through Kiva and an unshakable will to defy the odds. The [name] Group, clothing manufacturers with a dream to grow their businesses, weave the fabric of their own destinies.
Their success teaches me that we’re all part of this global community, we help each other succeed, we change the world with each other’s support. My mind drifts with the clouds. I’m in our school’s cluttered teacher’s lounge, surrounded by my Robotics team. I see a friendly face hovering over the robot, wrench in hand. Miguel thought he didn’t have a place here, that his financial constraints would dictate his future in Robotics. I knew he did. We’re all going to the competition, we’re all part of the team. We wouldn’t let circumstance dictate our future.
I realize when we stand up for one another, when we empower everyone, we reach new heights. Together.
Ensuring nobody is left behind. Encouraging others when nobody else will. Inclusivity matters to me. I strive to bring this sense of community to those around me. From the personal relationships I form to the larger society of dreamers, innovators, creators. From my home to the universe.
I glance once more at the stars. Ready to be transported to the future communities I’ll be part of.
(Word Count: 250)