Student profile
How will opportunities at Purdue support your interests, both in and out of the classroom? (Respond in 100 words or fewer.)
Purdue’s challenging yet enriching environment will prepare me for a successful career in my future in data science, especially through hands-on research. Professor (Name) research on computational models of geometric figures excites me because of its applications of building simulations of real-world scenarios that can predict and prevent crisis, particularly natural disasters. In the classroom I will be able to build connections with a diverse group of peers, professors, and alumni to excel in the world outside the confines of a classroom. The knowledge gained from these skills and experiences will inform my work in my future career.
Briefly discuss your reasons for pursuing the major you have selected. (Respond in 100 words or fewer.)
[Data Science - College of Science]
By downloading data from Twitter I have been able to build a twitter disaster-relief system, stalk celebrity’s circadian rhythms, and create my first Twitter bot. I know the importance of data usage in today’s society. The intricacies of creating algorithms and using Naïve Bayes probabilities to predict the future is fascinating. Analyzing spoken language, how words are interpreted differently in different contexts, and how the perception of the world is constantly changing, intrigues me. I am excited to pursue Data Science to study and explore the foundations of society and apply the information to create solutions to real-world problems.
Briefly discuss your reasons for pursuing the second choice major you have selected. (Respond in 100 words or fewer.)
[Data Visualization - Polytechnic Institute]
By creating computational visualizations of the sinusoidal-shaped waves to analyze the circadian rhythm patterns of fourteen mice, I learned to utilize Python in various ways. The patterns mesmerized me into creating visualizations for various data sets including songs, Twitter tweets, and X-rays of pneumonia patients. Data Visualization is a field I want to pursue because it brings words and numbers to life. It’s fascinating to see how data is transformed and condensed into a picture in order to analyze it through different perspectives. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words -- a thousand words of code.