(short answers)

You have been granted a free weekend next month. How will you spend it? (25 word limit) 

Bucket list item #17: With my friends, I’ll join thousands of other Parisians in the “Pari Roller” – a roller-skating midnight weekend adventure through Paris. 

What is something about which you have changed your mind in the last three years? (25 word limit) 

I’d rationalize any actions by the United States. I’ve learned to balance patriotism with critical thinking and no longer believe we can do no wrong. 

What is the best piece of advice you have received while in high school? (25 word limit) 

My parents are full of wisdom. But their best piece of advice has to be, “You can learn from anyone.” 

What do you wish you were better at being or doing? (25 word limit) 

I accompanied, on saxophone, my talented friend performing “Thrift Shop” for our Upper School. I wish I made the time to play more often. 

What is a learning experience, in or out of the classroom, that has had a significant impact on you? (25 word limit) 

I visited pen pals in Linyi, China. Our time together animated all we have in common and began to unlock the mystery of our differences.