Describe something outside of your intended academic focus that about which you are interested in learning? (250 words)

On a cold crisp morning, I, with my trusted camera, hiked the isolated cliffs of Big Sur’s coastline. At this time of day, the mountains emulate a sense of serenity; the cerulean waves softly wash over the polished stones below, and a cool breeze gently whistles through the passes. Yet, my adrenaline was rushing for I was in hot pursuit of one of the rare birds of California: the California Condor.

Prior to the expedition, I pored over the latest Condor sightings in blogs marking on a map the places where I would have the best chance of finding this magnificent bird.

As I tramped down the slopes around Lafler Canyon, I spotted what might to the untrained eye appear to be a military jet. A condor soared overhead. Its body was jet black except for a pronounced white patch on its under-wing. Identifying the bird, I climbed to higher ground to get a good vantage point and to get side lighting. The bird circled for almost an hour, too high to get a clear shot. Then it plunged. Another condor swooped by, and the two birds broke out into a frenzied chase. Gears whirred in my camera as I cranked up the shutter speed. The birds came into focus. Click!

Despite my passion for the subject, my knowledge of photography is entirely self-taught. I would like to take my hobby to the next level through more structured study and by learning from experienced birders in the photography community.