While scientists yearn to discover the world that exists, Engineers and Computer Scientists seek to create the world that never was. Our faculty and students believe collaborative teams are the key to great accomplishments. Please describe a time in your life (academic, co-curricular, or otherwise) where you had to collaborate to accomplish more than you could alone. (250 word limit)
A time when I collaborated with others was while organizing ACE Code Day. This is a yearly computer science event held at my school, organized by the ACE Coding club at our school. ACE Code Day allows attendees to participate in three computer science workshops and a coding competition. The other ACE Coding officers and I contacted people at tech companies such as Microsoft and other computer science organizations such as Sandia National Labs in order to ask them to teach some of the workshops.
Reserving rooms for the event, purchasing food, setting up the competition and procuring prizes, organizing and scheduling classes, volunteers, teachers, and participants -- it took a great deal of effort to plan ACE Code Day, and we definitely couldn’t have done it alone. Some other clubs pitched in to help us, and on the day of the event, we were able to help a lot of people learn about computer science and have fun. It was very rewarding to see around 300 people show up for the event after all the work that had gone into it.