What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? (max:350)

"My family is relying on me," worried a villager. As he narrated how he had lost his arm and eyesight but was determined to keep working, my throat was left dry. In that moment, I understood that many people still face seemingly insurmountable struggles. This is what inspires me to assist others. I believe that empathy is my greatest skill, because it allows me to help others through a variety of acts, both small and large.

Two years ago, I volunteered at Sankara Eye Hospital, a worldwide non-profit with headquarters in Coimbatore, India. I helped one of my patients, the handicapped villager, regain his eyesight. Yes, I diluted his pupils before surgery, but this was, all things considered, a minor part of a much larger surgery. My main work was emotional, not technical. Having never been to a hospital before, the man told me that despite all his excitement and gratitude, he was also very afraid. I reassured him that everything would be alright, and that I would take care of his children while he was in surgery. 

After the surgery was over, he told me, with tears in his newly-operated eyes, “I can finally go back to work on my farm and help my wife and children again.” I was humbled by the experience and realized that I could do great things in little ways, that I could fill a person's life with light. And I began seeking out ways to show people love and care.

I made it my goal to practice empathy, care, and reliability. I entertained senior citizens with Alzheimer’s with no relatives for support. I conducted activities, sang and danced with them, and took them on walks to provide some joy in their routine lives. At Washington Hospital, I cared for babies as they were moved to different hospitals for operations, and I tried to provide comfort for the families. At the Union City Library, I taught middle school immigrants literary skills as they attempted to read. These experiences built upon my empathy and encouraged me to make a positive difference in others’ lives.