Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. 

“Where’s Charles! Half time is in ten minutes and we haven’t even started warmups!” I yelled. I could feel my head throbbing with stress. I tried to remain unfazed, but my emotions were erratic: furious, nervous, and scared. We were running out of time, and one of our section members was missing.

“Great,” I mumbled, I was deemed the honorable position of my marching band’s Pit section leader two months ago, and I had already lost one of my teammates. Coming in as a junior, I wanted to live up to Sami, my predecessor, who entrusted me to keep her section safe, strong and to keep “pit” happening, a catchphrase my section used whenever something good happened, which can range from winning competitions to even having a great day at rehearsal.

Those words kept ringing in my head as I scanned the field and stands for a scrawny little Asian boy with glasses, only to find him huddled at the top corner of the stands.

I yelled out to him, no response, but I did manage to catch a glimpse of his face streaked in tears and I immediately raced to the top of the bleachers looking at the big stadium clock counting down.

 “What Happened!” No response.

“Are you hurt?…Did you get in trouble?…Was anyone bullying you?” I paused when he showed the slightest bit of hesitation to the last question.

“Do you want to talk about it?” No response. I brought him down the bleachers and handed him some tissues.

“I know you don’t want to talk about it right now…” I started “… but you can talk to me about anything that’s bothering you because pit is a family, and we need you for “pit” to happen.”

With a small smile, he stood up and we joined the rest of the pit. We started our first performance with a bang, and continued to have a phenomenal season. Now heading into my last season as a captain, I will try to constantly motivate those around me and keep the “pit happens” ideology with me forever.