Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
I felt inadequate having to hobble around on two crutches. I could not walk properly, shower properly, or even think properly as the sleep-inducing painkillers clouded my mind. I hate feeling inert.
Unfortunately after dropping four seconds to qualify for the Central Coast Section (CCS) meet, my ankle started clicking whenever it moved. I could feel the tissue in my ankle grind against itself whenever I moved it. I could feel resistance whenever I kicked downward. The doctor diagnosed me with ankle synovitis and recommended a surgery. I was frustrated, frustrated having been set so far back, frustrated having arrived at this point only to fall short.
The next season, I pushed myself to get back into competitive shape. I participated in physical therapy, swam without kicking, and rehabilitated my ankle. I wanted to regain the strength, poise, and competitiveness that I had during freshman year. I was uncertain, anxious about when I would fully recover, and worried that I would not be fast enough. Nevertheless, I remained positive and continued swimming with the goal of returning to the pool in mind.
Now, I am just three seconds away from the CCS qualifying time of 56 seconds for the 100-meter butterfly. After months of recovery, I am even more motivated to swim. I learned to forget the injuries and setbacks that have plagued me in the past and focus on the present. I learned to face my failures with unwavering confidence because a confident man is unbreakable. Therefore, I stand boldly at the starting block, poised and ready to dive into the pool. I will not let this setback hold me back.