There is a Quaker saying: ''Let your life speak.'' Describe the environment in which you were raised-your family, home, neighborhood, or community-and how it influenced the person you are today. (200-250 words) (1300 characters)

My family is a hurricane of six. It is a wonderfully crazy ride. The dynamic between my motivating parents and bickering siblings has shaped me.

My parents’ only standard for me is to give everything my all. It has never been cool to be apathetic. I always put in my best, and no matter what, the outcome is golden to them. They encourage me to try new things and ask questions. I cannot think of many restaurants around me that I have not tried at least once. I grill my dad with questions, but for my curiosity he bends an ear.

My two older sisters fight as a family ritual. I learned a valuable lesson: I saw how to avoid and resolve conflicts. I consoled both sides enough while mediating the crises to see that both sides can be right. Perhaps the greatest benefits of older siblings are the hand-me-down hobbies. One sister gave me her books and the other gave me her music. They planted the seeds of some of my greatest interests.

I am independent, but my family has built me from the ground up. Although the hurricane has calmed down a few classes since my sisters left, they still continue to influence me from college. I know even when I leave the hurricane their influence will always show in my ITunes, bookshelves, and sense of humor. The hurricane will always pull me right back in.