With the understanding that the choice of academic school you indicated is not binding, explain why you are applying to that particular school of study.
(150 word limit)
Imagine a science fiction spacecraft consisting of a two person capsule surrounded by a 13,000 square foot sail. It barrels through space at speeds approaching 18,600 miles per second, riding the ionized particles of the solar winds out of our solar system to the next frontier. This technology is known as the solar sail, the latest design for interstellar travel.
In my opinion, science fiction is a relative term. A flying 970,000 pound Boeing 747 would be science fiction to Isaac Newton, as certainly as flying cars are to us. It is the engineer's vision and determination that makes science fiction reality.
Yet, engineering doesn’t stop there. It can develop a cure for cancer through biomedical devices and create unlimited clean energy by unlocking fusion energy. Inspired by its boundless possibilities, I wish to pursue a career in engineering so, someday, I can make my mark on society