...User Experience Design or Human Interaction Computing or similar with minimal coding. Can you provide a list of potential colleges?
Carnegie Mellon - The Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University offers multidisciplinary undergraduate and graduate educational programs that emphasize technology for the benefit of people and society.
With membership from Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science, the College of Fine Arts, the Tepper School of Business, the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Robotics Institute, and the Software Engineering Institute, the HCII is one of the few institutions in the country with the breadth of expertise to offer such programs. (https://ww.hcii.cmu.edu/academics)
MIT - The MIT Media Lab is home to research into technologies that enhance communication and expression. The field is rooted in communications and the computer and cognitive sciences, drawing heavily upon design and the expressive arts. Since 1999, Media Arts and Sciences, the academic program housed at the Media Lab, has offered a small group of first-year undergraduates the opportunity to pursue freshman subjects through an alternative program. The goals of the program are to introduce students to university research, both how it's carried out and how current research projects use the concepts presented in first-year subjects; to involve students in the Media Lab community, particularly through the learning-by-apprenticeship that is a hallmark of the MAS academic program; and to expose students to the intersection of technology and communication/expression that is the mission of the Media Lab.
Students in the program will attend mainstream lectures in core freshman subjects but will attend recitation or tutorial sections of chemistry and physics taught by Media Arts and Sciences instructors, with an emphasis on connections between the subject matter and current Media Lab research. Students will also be able to participate in one of several MAS freshman advising seminars, and will take two MAS subjects, one design-oriented and one an introduction to carrying out research and documenting/presenting results. During spring semester, students participate in UROP at the Media Lab in conjunction with the latter subject. (http://www.media.mit.edu/admissions/program-overview/freshman-year-program)
This program is intended for students who will pursue any undergraduate major at MIT. (such as a bachelor degree majoring in management, business analytics or finance with the Sloan School of Management.) (http://mitadmissions.org/mit-docs/MIT_Admissions_Majors_and_Minors_Fact_Sheet_-_Course_15_2016.pdf)
San Jose State University - the Lucas College of Business offers several degrees in business including Finance, Corporate Accounting and Finance, Accounting, International Business, Business Analytics and Management.
BS - Business Administration, Concentration in Business Analytics
Business Analytics is a quantitative approach to business, driven by the intelligent use of data and mathematical models. Practitioners leverage methods from statistics and operations research to form insights and make decisions that improve business performance. (http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/catalog/departments/BUS-section-3.html)
About the college
SJSU provides more workforce to Silicon Valley companies than any other university (#1 at Cisco, #1 at Apple).Thousands of high-tech companies are headquartered within 40km of SJSU campus. SJSU Computer Engineering is a top-ranked program among public institutions offering BS and MS degrees, by US News and World Report. (ranked #1 in 2014).
From LinkedIn university rankings, SJSU Software Engineering is among the top 25 programs in the nation, ranked based on how successful recent graduates are able to land desirable jobs. (https://cmpe.sjsu.edu/)
University of Connecticut
The School of Business offers a Bachelor of Science in Business Data Analytics (BDA) major which is only open to students at the Hartford, Stamford, and Waterbury regional campuses. The objective of the BDA major is to provide a business degree with a special emphasis in the application of information technology to data analytics. An advisor approved focus is also possible based on the availability of courses.(http://catalog.uconn.edu/school-of-business/business-data-analytics/)
The Digital Marketing & Analytics (DM&A) major equips students with the knowledge and skills to develop and implement digital marketing strategies. The major consists of a core business base and a set of courses that treat digital marketing as an integrated part of a firm’s overall strategy. The major provide students with sufficient depth in both the analytics and strategic aspects of digital marketing to successfully use these tools to meet marketing and firm objectives. The DM&A curriculum is designed to provide School of Business students with a solid grounding in marketing principles, digital marketing strategy, and digital marketing analytics. This major is only open to students at the Stamford regional campus. (http://catalog.uconn.edu/school-of-business/digital-marketing-analytics/)
About the School of Business
#27 Undergraduate public business program in U.S. BloombergBusinessweek (2014)
#31 Undergraduate public business program U.S. News & World Report (2015)(http://www.business.uconn.edu/about/rankings/)
Penn State - Smeal College of Business
Our undergraduate business program hinges on integrated learning. In most cases, first-year Smeal students are admitted to the college rather than a specific major. Through a series of required courses, the first two years of study provide the foundation for the business degree. Typically, you choose a major before the junior year and after meeting the entrance-to major requirements. Your options include:
Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Management Information Systems
Risk Management with options in: Actuarial Science, Real Estate or Enterprise Risk Management
Supply Chain and Information Systems
International Business
Information Systems Management
Legal Environment of Business
Supply Chain and Information Sciences and Technology - The minor in SCIST* is structured to provide students not majoring in Supply Chain & Information Systems (SC&IS) or Management Information Systems (M I S) with the opportunity to develop working knowledge of information technology, supply chain management, and their interdisciplinary synergies. The joint minor is designed for professional careers in business, information systems, software development, consulting, and government. The successful minor must, at a minimum, possess basic knowledge of quantitative techniques, computer applications, and microeconomics. (http://www.smeal.psu.edu/uge/majors)
About Smeal
Undergraduate Education (Bloomberg Businessweek)
Overall: 19
Public Institutions: 8
Overall: 21 Public Institutions: 11
Accounting: 21
Management: 14
Marketing: 14
Production/Operations Management: 14
Supply Chain Management/Logistics: 5
The Wall Street Journal
Overall (University-Wide): 1
Management Information Systems: 2
Accounting: 5
Finance: 6
Business: 11
Carnegie Mellon - The Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University offers multidisciplinary undergraduate and graduate educational programs that emphasize technology for the benefit of people and society.
With membership from Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science, the College of Fine Arts, the Tepper School of Business, the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Robotics Institute, and the Software Engineering Institute, the HCII is one of the few institutions in the country with the breadth of expertise to offer such programs. (https://ww.hcii.cmu.edu/academics)
MIT - The MIT Media Lab is home to research into technologies that enhance communication and expression. The field is rooted in communications and the computer and cognitive sciences, drawing heavily upon design and the expressive arts. Since 1999, Media Arts and Sciences, the academic program housed at the Media Lab, has offered a small group of first-year undergraduates the opportunity to pursue freshman subjects through an alternative program. The goals of the program are to introduce students to university research, both how it's carried out and how current research projects use the concepts presented in first-year subjects; to involve students in the Media Lab community, particularly through the learning-by-apprenticeship that is a hallmark of the MAS academic program; and to expose students to the intersection of technology and communication/expression that is the mission of the Media Lab.
Students in the program will attend mainstream lectures in core freshman subjects but will attend recitation or tutorial sections of chemistry and physics taught by Media Arts and Sciences instructors, with an emphasis on connections between the subject matter and current Media Lab research. Students will also be able to participate in one of several MAS freshman advising seminars, and will take two MAS subjects, one design-oriented and one an introduction to carrying out research and documenting/presenting results. During spring semester, students participate in UROP at the Media Lab in conjunction with the latter subject. (http://www.media.mit.edu/admissions/program-overview/freshman-year-program)
This program is intended for students who will pursue any undergraduate major at MIT. (such as a bachelor degree majoring in management, business analytics or finance with the Sloan School of Management.) (http://mitadmissions.org/mit-docs/MIT_Admissions_Majors_and_Minors_Fact_Sheet_-_Course_15_2016.pdf)
San Jose State University - the Lucas College of Business offers several degrees in business including Finance, Corporate Accounting and Finance, Accounting, International Business, Business Analytics and Management.
BS - Business Administration, Concentration in Business Analytics
Business Analytics is a quantitative approach to business, driven by the intelligent use of data and mathematical models. Practitioners leverage methods from statistics and operations research to form insights and make decisions that improve business performance. (http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/catalog/departments/BUS-section-3.html)
About the college
SJSU provides more workforce to Silicon Valley companies than any other university (#1 at Cisco, #1 at Apple).Thousands of high-tech companies are headquartered within 40km of SJSU campus. SJSU Computer Engineering is a top-ranked program among public institutions offering BS and MS degrees, by US News and World Report. (ranked #1 in 2014).
From LinkedIn university rankings, SJSU Software Engineering is among the top 25 programs in the nation, ranked based on how successful recent graduates are able to land desirable jobs. (https://cmpe.sjsu.edu/)
University of Connecticut
The School of Business offers a Bachelor of Science in Business Data Analytics (BDA) major which is only open to students at the Hartford, Stamford, and Waterbury regional campuses. The objective of the BDA major is to provide a business degree with a special emphasis in the application of information technology to data analytics. An advisor approved focus is also possible based on the availability of courses.(http://catalog.uconn.edu/school-of-business/business-data-analytics/)
The Digital Marketing & Analytics (DM&A) major equips students with the knowledge and skills to develop and implement digital marketing strategies. The major consists of a core business base and a set of courses that treat digital marketing as an integrated part of a firm’s overall strategy. The major provide students with sufficient depth in both the analytics and strategic aspects of digital marketing to successfully use these tools to meet marketing and firm objectives. The DM&A curriculum is designed to provide School of Business students with a solid grounding in marketing principles, digital marketing strategy, and digital marketing analytics. This major is only open to students at the Stamford regional campus. (http://catalog.uconn.edu/school-of-business/digital-marketing-analytics/)
About the School of Business
#27 Undergraduate public business program in U.S. BloombergBusinessweek (2014)
#31 Undergraduate public business program U.S. News & World Report (2015)(http://www.business.uconn.edu/about/rankings/)
Penn State - Smeal College of Business
Our undergraduate business program hinges on integrated learning. In most cases, first-year Smeal students are admitted to the college rather than a specific major. Through a series of required courses, the first two years of study provide the foundation for the business degree. Typically, you choose a major before the junior year and after meeting the entrance-to major requirements. Your options include:
Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Management Information Systems
Risk Management with options in: Actuarial Science, Real Estate or Enterprise Risk Management
Supply Chain and Information Systems
International Business
Information Systems Management
Legal Environment of Business
Supply Chain and Information Sciences and Technology - The minor in SCIST* is structured to provide students not majoring in Supply Chain & Information Systems (SC&IS) or Management Information Systems (M I S) with the opportunity to develop working knowledge of information technology, supply chain management, and their interdisciplinary synergies. The joint minor is designed for professional careers in business, information systems, software development, consulting, and government. The successful minor must, at a minimum, possess basic knowledge of quantitative techniques, computer applications, and microeconomics. (http://www.smeal.psu.edu/uge/majors)
About Smeal
Undergraduate Education (Bloomberg Businessweek)
Overall: 19
Public Institutions: 8
Among recruiters: 8
U.S. News and World ReportOverall: 21 Public Institutions: 11
Accounting: 21
Management: 14
Marketing: 14
Production/Operations Management: 14
Supply Chain Management/Logistics: 5
The Wall Street Journal
Overall (University-Wide): 1
Management Information Systems: 2
Accounting: 5
Finance: 6
Business: 11