Explorations in Genetics and Molecular Biology @ Columbia University, NY

This intensive course is designed for students who have a strong background in the natural sciences and are interested in modern biology and its applications to the fields of medicine and agriculture. Students explore how DNA works and how scientists can alter DNA for a variety of purposes. Topics include: RNA, DNA, protein synthesis, mutations, gene regulation, genetic engineering, cancer, heart disease, bacteria, viruses, and immunology. In the lab portion of the course, students learn some of the techniques used by modern biologists to study the natural world. Topics include eukaryotic and prokaryotic genetics, DNA extraction and restriction enzyme digest analysis, complementation, and “jumping” genes.  

In the lab section of the course, students are asked to complete in-class and homework assignments, analyze experimental data, write detailed lab reports, and make a group presentation. In the lecture portion students are given two tests, two quizzes, and a final exam. Students often work in groups to help one another understand the material.

Level: Open to students entering grades 11 or 12 or freshman year of college in fall 2016.
Days & Time: Monday–Friday, 10:10 a.m.–12:00 p.m. and 2:10–4:00 p.m.
Status: Closed
Teacher(s): Frank Ciulla, Claire Elise Hazen, and staff
Prerequisites: One year of high school biology, including study of genetics, DNA, RNA, and proteins; one year of high school chemistry.

Dates and deadlines for 2017 not yet announced.


Boston Leadership Institute - Biomedical Research: Genetics and Clinical Trials

In this three week program, students will be introduced to the recent advances in genetics, genetic testing and personal genome sequencing, and will be presented with some of the decisions and ethical challenges an individual may face regarding the use of this technology. We will also learn about some of the likely benefits of personal genetics, such as gaining the ability to act on one’s genetic risks, tailoring medicines and interventions, and becoming more active and engaged healthcare consumers. A sampling of topics to be covered: genes and athleticism, personalized medicine, eugenics and history, DNA and crime/law enforcement.  The completion of an introductory high school biology course is a prerequisite for this program.

Dates and deadlines for 2017 not yet announced. Sign up to be placed on mailing list at link below.


Science Summer Camps - DNA Learning Center Summer Camps

The DNA Learning Center (DNALC) of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) is the world's first science center devoted entirely to genetics education. The DNALC "invented" DNA camps in 1985, and since then over 18,000 students have participated.

Each summer, we offer fun and challenging camps for science enthus iasts entering 6th–12th grade at four locations: the Dolan DNALC in Cold Spring Harbor; DNALC West in Lake Success; Harlem DNA Lab in New York City, and on the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory campus. Guided by experienced instructors, students use sophisticated laboratory and computer equipment to perform experiments several grade levels ahead of their peers. Camps for 11th graders include:

  • DNA Science (entering grades 10–12)

  • Silencing Genomes (DNA Science alumni entering grades 11 or 12)

  • Being Human entering grades 11 or 12)

  • BioCoding (DNA Science alumni entering grade 11 or 12)

  • Genome Science (DNA Science alumni entering grade 11 or 12)

  • DNA Barcoding Research (DNA Science alumni entering grade 11 or 12)

Dates and deadlines for 2017 not yet announced.


Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research

National Human Genome Research Institute

Bethesda, MD

The Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research provides students at all levels the opportunity to perform biomedical research alongside some of the world's most accomplished scientists. The program immerses students in a unique environment devoted to better-understanding the underlying causes of human genetic disease, leading to the development of novel methods for the detection, prevention and treatment of heritable and genetic disorders.

In addition to the training and mentoring that the student receives in the laboratory, students in the program attend the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summer Seminar Series, which is intended to increase the breadth of the student's experience. In this series, world-class researchers present the latest findings in biomedical and clinical research, at a level geared towards advanced high school and college students. The National Human Genome Research Institute also conducts its own Summer Seminar Series, with an emphasis on career development and mentoring. At the end of the summer, students have the opportunity to present their work at the annual NIH Summer Research Program Poster Day. This very important component of the Summer Internship Program allows the students to get feedback regarding their summer experience, as well as to meet investigators and scientists from other NIH Institutes.

Students earn a monthly stipend, depending on their educational level. Students are responsible for travel expenses and making their own housing arrangements. Information on local housing options is provided to all students upon their admission to the Summer Internship Program.

To be eligible for the Summer Internship Program, students must be:

Enrolled at least half-time in high school or college. Graduating high school seniors must provide a letter of admission from the college that they will be attending the following fall.

Citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

At least 16 years of age.

Application opens mid November.

Deadline for submitting application: March 1


High School Summer Scholars Biology Research Immersion Program: Summer 2016

Buck Institute for Research on Aging
8001 Redwood Blvd.
Novato, CA 94945

Each summer the Buck Institute for Research on Aging provides  an in-depth seven week internship program to give local high school students the tools and mentorship necessary to excel in science and mathematics. With 20 research labs participating, students have the opportunity to explore research involving the aging process and aging-related diseases. Students are encouraged to visit Buck Institute faculty websites to read about the research being conducted at the Buck and to indicate an area of interest when applying for the program.

Interns will:

Participate in cutting edge research at the Buck Institute

Attend weekly meetings to receive mentorship, review laboratory notebooks, discuss data and delineate goals and expectations

Attend a weekly course on the responsible conduct of research

Complete a course on laboratory/radiation safety that teaches valuable skills and ensures safety while in the lab

Participate in an end-of-summer research symposium

Prepare a 10 minute PowerPoint presentation at the completion of their research and from that a large-format poster.

A Poster Presentation and Celebration for students, families, teachers, mentors and faculty will take place on the last day of the internship at the Buck Institute.

Dates and deadlines for 2017 not yet announced, however 2016 applications closed March 31.


Summer focus at Berkeley

Summer Focus summer study at UC Berkeley is a comprehensive 6-week or 8-week pre-college summer program offered for high school students in a rare public-private partnership between Education Unlimited® and UC Berkeley Summer Sessions. Summer Focus pre-college camp for high school students at UC Berkeley is designed to provide a small-group learning environment for talented and motivated high school students who want to experience college life. Student attend an actual UC Berkeley Summer Sessions class, receive support from our Education Unlimited program staff, tutoring as necessary, go on excursions in the San Francisco Bay Area and have fun learning with other high school students from around the United States and from other countries.

Introduction to Functional Neuroanatomy: Molecular And Cell Biology (MCELLBI) 63 [3 units]

Description: This course emphasizes beginning anatomy of the brain and spinal cord to individuals interested in understanding the dynamics of motor and sensory functions in the human body. Students in the Departments of Education, Psychology, and Integrative Biology, as well as students interested in medicine and the life sciences, are especially encouraged to attend.

No deadline however occasionally have to close enrollment due to space limitations on the campus, so please consider signing up for the program at least 45 days prior to the camp start date.


Perception Science Summer Internship Program for High Schoolers

This internship offers advanced high-school students the opportunity to be involved with cutting-edge research in vision science. In this immersive experience, students will be involved in every step of the research process, and will be working alongside Whitney lab members to create and test novel research paradigms. Additionally, students will learn advanced computer coding and statistical analysis techniques that are fundamental to a successful career in all scientific fields. Please visit our website to learn more about this program. This is a fee-based program; full fee waivers are available for accepted low-income students. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm weekdays.

Dates and deadlines for 2017 not yet announced. Application is available online.


National Student Leadership Conference- Berkeley, CA

At the National Student Leadership Conference on Medicine & Health Care, serving as a health professional becomes a reality. While at the NSLC, you will perform clinical rounds, learn medical examination and surgical techniques, and participate in diagnosis and treatment while solving the mystery of a fatal outbreak sweeping the nation. You and your team will grapple with controversial medical issues, learn about today’s health care challenges and explore advanced scientific research in areas such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.

Clinical experiences
Learn and practice suturing and surgical knot-tying with a surgeon

Visit medical facilities
Interact with practicing physicians, scientific researchers, medical school students and residents

Diagnose and treat patients
Participate in a challenging medical outbreak simulation.

Enrollment for Summer 2017 will open in mid-October.
